Welcome to Myriad, the Anime Fanlistings
Network approved fanlisting for Kuchiki Rukia, one of the main characters from the Bleach manga
and anime series by Kubo Tite. If you're a fan of Rukia, please consider joining the fanlisting to show
your support! A huge thank you to Loika for adopting
this fanlisting to me. ♥♥ I can't express enough my gratitude to her for this honor.
To navigate the site, please use the above menu. Note: the fansite portion is not yet available, as it is
under massive construction.

Member Count: 2118 fans (+0) from 105 countries
Newest Members: Kupo
Previous Owner: Loika
Powered By: Enthusiast
Kuchiki Rukia and Bleach are © Kubo Tite. This site is fan-run and is NOT official in any way.
Fanlisting design and content are © Michiru.org.